A new trend is pouring out of the United Kingdom.Teenagers, apparently concerned about the earth’s environment, have decided that “milk pours” are the answer to climate change. On October...
As 2022 begins to draw to a close, it is instructive to look back at the factors responsible for the record All-Milk price that will be logged for the year
I am a first generation dairy farmer, and I am so glad to see that you put out the article, “Lack of land pushes young farmers out of ag” on October 6, 2022. I have said before, how can someone...
Over the course of 60 days, USDA economists raised their 2023 All-Milk price projections by 40 cents. In making that move from a $22.50 to a $22.90 per hundredweight price forecast
Even with its deep and rich history, World Dairy Expo was able to post a pair of new records at this year’s 55th show. As it turns out, cattle were front and center for both new benchmarks
Not all farms have the space or labor on site to raise their own dairy replacements, so it is not uncommon for calves to be transported to a custom grower early in life. While this type of calf rearin
At $3.57 per pound, butterfat bounded for its fourth straight monthly record this September. That’s according to data released by USDA in its Announcement of Class and Component Prices on October...
For Ken Main and Kenny Joe Manion of Copake, N.Y., success at the International Brown Swiss Show once again came from their winning Aged Cow and Senior Champion, Cutting Edge Thunder Faye
For 103 years, Dairy Council of California has focused on advancing people’s understanding of the important role that milk and dairy foods play in healthy, sustainable eating patterns
When consumers spend $1 on dairy products, dairy farmers receive 29 cents of that dollar. That’s according to the latest research by USDA’s Economic Research Service